Welcome! I am so glad you could make it on this cool and windy beautiful fall night!! As you can see we have all been awaiting for your arrival.
Before you arrived I consulted with my crystal ball and called upon Aradia to tell me what the night had in store for us.
She indicated that we will have an enchanting night ahead with plenty of sweets and plenty of Halloween scares! We will be calling upon her later tonight.
In the meantime as we wait for the witching hour, I conjured up some delights to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Care for some sweets?

Oh look! It's our friend the crow. He wants to join in our festivities! Who knew crows love chocolate? You can only have a few Mr. Crow.
Let's sit at our table and catch up. I haven't seen you in a while. It's so wonderful to finally see you again!!

Where has the time gone? It's been so lovely catching up over our sweet treats, but we now must prepare for the witching hour!! Let's head over to our witchy alter to get our book of charms and spells so that we can call upon our sister witches.
We need a few spiders that sit under bright moonlight for this spell.
Let me grab a few more black spiders from here too.
Hold your candles.

Under the moonlight on this cool and dark night let's light our candles and together let's chant. We have come together on this night to call upon our sisters. This spell calls for me to hold the skull of Aradia.

Out of night
Shines the grass
Flesh lacking blood
Bone lacking flesh
Spirit lacking bone
Arise and be fed

Arise to bone and flesh and blood
This night renewed by mortal food
And we will need our friend the crow to help us with our spell.
Let me pick him up, so that he can join us under the moon outside.
The presence in this room
Denies both time and tomb
Return to us Aradia, Sky, and Helga
We call to you
Yes, that's it. Here comes Aradia, Sky, and Helga. Can you see them stand next to me?
We live again
And we are fair!
The moon has risen
Here to bear
Here Aradia walks once again on this one night of festivities.
Thank you so much for your help. I wouldn't have been able to make this happen without you and your help fellow sisters of the night.
Thank you for coming to this year's witching party. We have done what we have been called upon to do and Aradia will now be able to dance the night away!
Now that you have had your Halloween fun with me don't forget you have so many parties to attend. Click on the banner below to visit Vanessa's Halloween party!